Thursday, August 12, 2010

How English Important To The Advancement of Technology?


Today I would like to share with you all about the important of English Language to the advancement of technology...

Dear followers,
Nowadays,every second around the world a new gadget like handphone,iPod,gameboy and extract will produced.All this things given their name on English and the guidance book or an instruction book wrote in English too.Why this technology company use English in their manufacture of their creations???

I have my own opinion on this topic.First of all,Its because English is easy to understand and English is the language of the world.Since the colonial epoch in 19th century,British had been broaden their land administrative around the world.Without their realize,their language also spread around the world...Until now,English become a first language which use around the world and thats why all reference book wrote in English language.

Secondly,English language affect their rate of sale in all section around the world.Why I say so?Lets get imagine first,if NOKIA company use a Latin(Sepanyol Language) to write thier guidance book and branded their stuff in that language,what would happen??So,if the costumer can understand on how to use our creations they will buy it again and without we realize the percentage of the selling had increase.

I think thats all for this post.The rest,lets get think together.Anyway,I want to wish all of you Selamat Berpuasa....




  1. Alhamdulillah..a very interesting entry indeed.Very enlightening,and displays deep understanding of the need of mastering English in today's world. Congratulations to you.Except for some grammatical mistakes and errors, this could be a motivational drive for us to improve our English together, insyaAllah.

  2. Insyaallah....practice makes perfect,sir....
